Why can’t you block the narcissist?

Why don't you just block the narcissist? What is wrong with you? Why are you so weak? These may be some of the questions you may hear or you may even ask yourself. Truth is, when you're in this dynamic and you've had this many makeup-to-breakup cycles, you may think that this is just another part of the cycle. Meaning the cycle of unhealthy communication and intermittent reinforcement. Many people coming out of these dynamics feel that this is just another part of the cycle and that just maybe the person that's broken up with you, will have an epiphany, confess their love for you, and finally change for the good. This is often done subconsciously. Consciously, they may know that this should be over. This person should be broken up with, blocked and moved on from, but when their subconscious’ fate is the size of a mustard seed, they don't want to miss out on that opportunity. So go easy on the people coming out of these dynamics because it's just as hard for them, as it is for you, to watch.