Narcissist Contempt Looks Like...

If you've ever had a parent that got frustrated really easily. For example, you're a child learning how to tie your shoes and you're taking way too long, you know like children do, and they end up getting frustrated saying something like “move I'll do it, we'll be here all day if I'll let you do it”, or if you were excited about something you did on Roblox and you bring it to your parent, they say “you're on that game way too long, I don't care”. How do you think that dynamic will play out in a relationship? Anything that you do will never be good enough. In fact, it'll feel eerily familiar to you. You won't be able to put your finger on it, but you'll feel dismissed, not important and definitely not like an equal. So you'll get the silent treatment and start to think that ‘oh maybe they're an avoidant’, but the difference is this isn't a communication issue, they just don't care, and their silent treatment is actually them getting frustrated and stopping themselves from raging.