The ONLY HEALTHY reason an EX comes BACK

When people reach out to me, they're reaching out to get an avoidant back, and what are avoidants really good at, no contact. They're not beating my door down to get back with an anxious attacher. I've said it once and I'll say it again, again, again, and again. The only healthy way to get someone to change their mind about a breakup, isn't threatening, isn't guilt tripping, it's no contact, because it shows emotional self-control. Emotional self-control is something that you probably didn't have IN the relationship. So what's the best way to prove that you DO have it now, is by going no contact. If they come back, it has to be their choice. You can't influence it, because I've rarely seen those relationships work out well. Focus on your health, focus on your healing, and prove to them that you can do what you couldn't do while in the relationship.