Narcissist Treat You Worse Every Time it Works

Okay, let's just say the narcissist has moved on, they found themselves a rebound person. You're ‘whistling dixie’, you're ready to move on with your life. It's been a month, it's been 6 months, it's been a year, 10 years, and the next thing you know, you get this text message saying “hey how have you been, I've missed you”. If you're not the person that they've been texting all along, the person that they monkey-branched from to go to this new person, and they've been kind of in the dark texting you, then you're baffled. You're like, why is this person back? It's because the new supply isn't working out, and this is what they call a “hoover”. They can never be without any type of supply. They always need someone in their phone, someone feeding them validation, someone to make them feel good about themselves. I want you to see this for exactly what it is, but if you fall for this “hoover”, they will treat you worse this time, I promise.